Subject: HTML: MTX Web Publishing Tool... Author: Richard Rathe Uploaded By: CJ DaveAx Date: 6/26/1996 File: MTX Tool 1.3.sit (295549 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 425 Equipment: Any Mac or PPC Needs: Any word processor or text editor; Hypercard Keywords: HTML STACK WEB PUBLISH TYPE: Freeware stack for non-commercial use LIBRARY: IC/Personal Publishing -------------------------------------------------------- KEYWORDS: HTML STACK WEB PUBLISH Author's description: MTX is a simplified means for creating Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents. HTML is the page layout standard used by the World Wide Web. Unlike HTML, the MTX format is easy to learn and use. You can use any word processor or text editor to create MTX formatted files. The MTX Tool converts these files into HTML pages in a matter of seconds. Features of the MTX system include: Source files are easy to create and maintain No special editor or editing skills are needed Timed "make" function for updating HTML files Consistent stylistic and functional elements Automatic creation of complex HTML elements: Document outlines and tables of contents Home, Parent, Previous, and Next navigational buttons Key Word Indexes Across Families of Documents Several types of interactive questions with feedback Tables, floating graphics, and other extensions Presentation Slides for the Classroom You should consider using MTX if you need to: Convert existing word processing documents into HTML Create and manage large collections of HTML documents Integrate HTML documents from several sources and authors Create interactive question banks with instructional feedback Create and distribute presentation slides for lectures The "MTX Tool"